I remember when my little brother met Miss Cat almost 3 years ago now! We were a little on the outs, just normal sibling silliness 😉 and then, all out of no where, he calls me! And it was to chat about this amazing girl he had just met and he thought, she might be the one!! And I was like k, chill, you just met her, who is this chick?! 🤔
And then, I met her & everything just made sense! He needed this amazing woman to love him unconditionally but to also put him in his place! 😉
You're both so special to me & it makes me so happy to know that you have each other to tease, to laugh with, to cry with, to celebrate the big and small moments, to be silly, to be serious, to make all the adult decisions you don't want to do, to watch harry potter with, to create a big and amazing life together! I love you both! 💕
PS: They're not engaged, even though we all keep asking them, so pressure them more, it might help 😉