C’est moi, Amanda!
Je suis franco-ontarienne, maman de Océane la banane et photographe de maternité et de nouveau né!
My name is Amanda and I'm the creative artist behind Amanda Artistix Photography. I love capturing light, sunshine and making everything as breezy as I possibly can! ✨
A few things about me:
✨I'm a true artist at heart who loves to travel
✨I'm a little nerdy (ok a lot nerdy - as in, I wish I could have gone to Hogwarts nerdy)
✨I'm a maman to a beautiful little girlie named Océane la banane (she'll sing that for you if you ask ;) )
✨I'm French Canadian, hence the super french little girlie...I think she's better at it then I am!
✨I'm an amazing wife (and really humble Ha!)
✨I love to cuddle your babies and create those perfect memories for your family
✨I'm that photographer that'll cry during your vows and laugh wayyy too hard at your speeches
✨I'm probably going to run after your kids and make them all ramped up for photos and big smiles, just to send them back home with you
✨In my spare time I like to...who am I kidding I'm a mom and business owner I don't have spare time but if I did you could always find me with my nose in a book off exploring a new world!
Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before”
Our family motto!
I initially started my photography journey almost 7 years ago now, as a means to capture the families and kiddos I was working with at the art studio.
When I became a mama, everything changed 🥰❤️✨
I felt it in my soul that I was meant for this change and ran full speed ahead. I invested in education, bought a high-quality camera. I learned all there was about lighting, posing newborns, and I pursued my dream with no limits.
Thankfully my amazing husband backed me 100%, he’s actually the one that came up with my business name, Amanda Artistix Photography. He inspires me every day to be a better person, artist and mother #dreampartner
So when I think of my why, I think of my little girlie Océane 💕
She inspires me in more ways than one.
I want to remember her laugh, expressions, nose wrinkles when she finds me ridiculous, and the ridiculous stories she tells me as I follow her around with my camera.
I want to remember it all and I know, deep down to my core, that every mama out there wants the same thing! ✨
That’s WHY I do this!
So are you ready to do this?
Let’s get you booked it!